Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kit-sitting client: Kimya and Jack

Kimya and Jack are brother and sister, despite their different markings. Kimya is a seal-mitted ragdoll, and Jack is an orange tab. These two love piling up for super-cozy yin-yang naps, and can often be observed sweetly grooming each other.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bun-sitting client: Clomper

Clomper was my very first bun-sitting client. He came to live at my house for several months after losing his home in Hurricane Katrina. He was a darling boy and taught me all about free carrot tops from the farmers' market, rabbit hygiene, alfalfa hay, bunny chewing needs, and more. He was a spirited re-arranger of his cage, and would sometimes end up wearing a small wicker basket on his head as he re-decorated. Clomper and my cat used to bump noses and "kiss" through the cage bars. Ridiculously cute.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Kit-sitting client: Little

Kit-sitting client Little peers at me beseechingly as I walk up the stairs to his house. Every time I visit him to feed him, play with him, and change his litter, he is waiting for me on the landing with this intent look. Then I come up-and-around to say hi, and the kitteh lovefest begins.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Posing at the Kits and Buns Portrait Studio

This kit is posing at the home studio, gazing winningly off into the future, which is located to the upper right. What an astonishingly handsome boy!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lorem ipsum, people

Kits and buns are coming.